Meeting Times
Weekday Bible Studies
Women’s study: Mondays 10-12
Men’s study: Mondays 10-12
Other weekday small groups: see current groups here
Simply stated, we are a group of people who sin every day but are joyful in the knowledge that we are saved by the grace of Jesus. We enjoy learning about our triune God and seek opportunities to hear and read about Him to grow our faith. We describe ourselves as Christ-centered, Bible-believing.
We are a welcoming church. Virtually every person who visits us describes the friendliness of the people here. We pray that you will visit, come worship with us and let the light of God’s grace shine forth in your heart.
Our Vision is to glorify God by providing a welcoming congregation committed to worshipping Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, spreading the Gospel and serving in His name.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God, a gift to mankind through human authors chosen and guided by Him. Due to its divine authorship, its authority is absolute. It is the only fully trustworthy rule of faith and practice.
The Bible makes it clear that God wants his people to worship and serve their Creator. Behavior contrary to that is called sin. All humans are sinners, deserving of God’s punishment and unworthy to be in the presence of their Creator. But we rejoice in the good news that Jesus, by sacrificing Himself on the cross, did what was necessary to atone for the sins of those who believe in Him.
We believe that there is no action we humans can take that is sufficient to forgive sins. Good works do not and cannot make us acceptable to God (Ephesians 2:8-9). They are the natural outcome of authentic faith in Jesus, but through faith in Christ alone is the only way to have everlasting life with God in heaven. (John 14:6)
We believe in the Apostles Creed as well as other creeds and confessions developed by believers through centuries of faith. (Westminster Confession and Catechisms)
In worship, we view music as subservient to the Word, therefore we choose what we sing based upon insights from Scripture. We stand upon the rich heritage that the church has built throughout her history. Each generation adds to this heritage, augmenting what has gone before. This heritage comprises the biblical hymnody offered in the Trinity Hymnal, centuries-old songs written by progenitors of the faith as well as works of living composers. We cherish them all whenever they incorporate theologically sound and personally invigorating biblical truth and hope. Our church is unique in that our singing is led by minimal instrumentation – a single violinist with piano accompaniment, which fills our sanctuary with joyful and soul-stirring sounds. Come 15 minutes early to hear these talented musicians play while we greet one another before the service begins.
How do people dress at Oconee Church?
Most men and women dress “business casual.” Some men wear a coat and tie; others are more casual.
Is there child care?
Each Sunday people are assigned to supervise young children in our nursery. We also have 2 cry rooms available. Children are encouraged to sit with their parents in the sanctuary.
What does “reformed” mean?
See the meaning of “reformed” by clicking here.
If I fill out a visitor card, will people pressure me to come back?
Absolutely not. The visitor card is designed to help us know you better IF you decide you want to come back. On the other hand, if you want someone to follow up, our pastor will be more than happy to do so.
Will I feel pressured to take part in activities?
No. About half of the people who attend worship services on Sunday enjoy taking part in other activities. People live busy lives. We all are happy to see one another on Sundays and throughout the week.
Will someone greet me?
Count on it.