David was born in Columbus, GA and grew up in Greenville, SC. At age ten he came to faith in Christ through the ministry of Al Lutz at Shannon Forest Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC. He graduated from Clemson University in 1980 and married his wife Becky that same year. After graduating from Covenant Seminary with a M. Div. in 1984, he began Reformed University Fellowship at Clemson University and assisted Dr. Tom Cross in the planting of Clemson Presbyterian Church. In 1997 he became Senior Pastor at Lexington Presbyterian Church in Lexington, SC and also received his D. Min. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS in 1997. In 2007, he was called to Clemson Presbyterian Church where he served as Senior Pastor until December, 2020. He began with Oconee Presbyterian Church July 1, 2021.

David and his wife Becky have been married for forty-four years and have three married children along with six grandchildren. David enjoys reading, roasting coffee, collecting 1970s Christian LPs , exercising, golf, Clemson athletics and cooking with Becky.