Small Group Bible Studies
Monday Morning Studies (at the church) 10:00-12:00
A new study for women began January 13th. The study is Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts. a book by Nancy Guthrie.
Men’s study is The Truth Project, a 12-week small group video curriculum developed by Del Tackett, designed to build a systematic and comprehensive biblical worldview in the live of believers. Each session looks at life from a biblical perspective, studying the very nature of God and how He has revealed Himself to us.
This group also resumed January 13th.
Weekday Small Groups
The following groups are offered:
”The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan (Wednesdays at 6:30)
I & II Thessalonians (FULL)
Philippians (Thursdays at 7:00)
I Kings (Thursdays at 7:00)
Contact the church office (864-882-8222, OR
Associate Pastor David Sinclair (
for details of time, location, type/ages of group, etc.
Keowee Key Community Bible Study
Mondays @ 6:30 p.m. in The Keowee Room